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Can Dogs Eat Aronia Berry Or Chokeberry?

Can Dogs Eat Aronia Bush Or Chokeberry

Choke berries, also known as Aronia Berry, are used to make juices, purees, jams, jellies, teas, and wines due to their strong mouth-drying effect. They are used as a cold remedy. Humans are benefitted from chokeberries as they help them in fighting cancer. But the question comes are they beneficial to dogs also? Can dogs eat chokeberries? The answer is definitely no. Dogs can not consume chokeberries as it contains compound called cyanide which can be poisonous to dogs and can lead to cyanide poisoning. Cyanide poisoning from the chokeberries can be fatal if not treated on time.

What Is Chokeberry Poisoning?

Chokeberry is a tiny fruit whose scientific name is Aronia which is why it is also known as Aronia Berry. It is originally found in North America & now found in Eastern Europe as well. Chokeberry is not edible to humans because of its sour taste, so how can it be edible to dogs? It contains a poisonous compound called cyanide. Other fruits that contain cyanide are apple seeds, cherry, peach, pear, plum, and apricot pits. Consuming one or two of them may not create any problem, but eating too many can be poisonous to dogs. Cyanide is not only present in seeds but is also present in the leaves and bark of the tree.

 Choke berry, as the name itself suggests that it can cause choking hazards, which can lead to intestinal obstruction. It can cause damages to the tissues of the wall present in the stomach, and before that, it can cause damage to the esophagus. Dogs, while eating chokeberry, can bite the seed of chokeberry and can lead to the release of poisonous liquid called cyanide causing cyanide poisoning. Cyanide is found in man-made and synthetic materials. Cyanide is present in chokeberry and other natural fruits so as to protect the fruit from pests and insects.

What Are The Symptoms Of Chokeberry Poisoning?

Dogs, if eating chokeberry or Aronia Berry, may collapse from the poison, and it can be fatal. In such cases, they will show some signs that will help to get them prompt medical treatment. The symptoms may include:

  • Collapse
  • Convulsions
  • Hyperventilation
  • Red mucus membranes
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Abnormal heart rate

These are the symptoms that you may find if your dog has ingested chokeberry seeds or leaves. If you find any of the above systems, then immediately take your dog to the vet without any delay. Any delay in treatment can be life-threatening, and you may lose your beloved pet.

What If Your Dog Ate Chokeberry?

If your dog accidentally ate chokeberry or managed to grab the seed or leaf of the chokeberry from somewhere, then do not panic. First, try to figure out that whether your dog has swallowed the seed or he has chewed the seed. If he has swallowed the seed, then find out if there is any choking or not. Vomiting and difficulty in breathing will let you know if there is any kind of choking. There is the possibility of seed passing simply from the body without any damage or obstruction. Aspects like size and weight also matter in the amount of destruction.

If your dog has chewed the seed, then cyanide would release in the mouth, and it may cause cyanide poisoning. Cyanide poisoning is very serious, and you may even lose your pet. Therefore, it’s recommended to immediately contact your vet. Your vet will question you on some of your dog’s health conditions. He will then perform a urinalysis, blood work and complete a body checkup. If you know that your dog has eaten the chokeberries, then it is necessary to tell the vet approximately how many chokeberries have been ingested by your pet so that he can give your pet the treatment according to the consumption. He may also test samples of tissue from the liver and stomach. While the vet is running tests, he may give an antidote with oxygen therapy. If your dog gets proper treatment and that too on time, he may recover without struggle.


Long story short, chokeberries are sour in taste which means that it is not edible to humans. Along with humans, dogs also can not eat chokeberries, but the reason is different. The seeds and leaves, along with the tree of chokeberries, contain cyanide which is poisonous to dogs and can be fatal if not treated on time. Consuming one or two of them may not create any problem, but eating too many can be poisonous to dogs. Choke berry, as the name itself suggests that it can cause choking hazards, which can lead to intestinal obstruction. It can cause damages to the tissues of the wall present in the stomach, and before that, it can cause damage to the esophagus. If your dog accidentally ate chokeberry or managed to grab the seed or leaf of the chokeberry from somewhere, then immediately contact your vet and make sure your dog gets prompt medical treatment because any delay can lead to the sad demise of your pet.

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